  • Product.

    We represent world class manufacturers of pumps, heat exchangers, tanks, electrical control panels, VFDs, cooling towers, steam & condensate equipment, fire protection packages, water & wastewater equipment and rotary joints



    On-site pump repair, in-house pump repair, fire pump flow tests, SolidWorks 3D Modeling and skid fabrication.

  • Fabrication

    Quartz Machinery Store partners with our customers and principals from conception through implementation to provide process solutions using engineered expertise.



    Fire Pumps

    Custom designed fire protection pump packages, electric fire pumps and diesel fire pumps.


Our mission is to provide our customers with exceptional engineered solutions and services. We accomplish this by partnering with our customers and principals from conception through implementation for our mutual benefit, and by building lasting relationships with our principals, employees, and customers.


Quartz Machinery Store manufacture, produce, sell and distribute quality industrial & marine equipment around the world.

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